good job
and i like the randomly dramatic credits music. it is kinda short though. its ok :D
good job
and i like the randomly dramatic credits music. it is kinda short though. its ok :D
very cool _148
I noticed this submission on the day it came in and was happy to see how we both spoofed the same kind of thing. Also we had some Super Smash Bros. references. The only part I thought was rather sluggish was at that SSBM part, but I laughed out loud when you voiced that yell fox does when he uses firefox, "Hiya!" great movie, pretty long, i prefer shorter (just me) ive noticed u have made several starfox spoofs!
Good job
This is a very organized and cool collection of movies, but there a couple of pause bugs in the movies. There were a couple of loops i was dissapointed with (Architect: footsteps... Final Fight: Rain...)and i think that this wasnt one of LF's strongest works. I think Burly Brawl and Chateau were the most well done. yipee
I love Counter-Strike!
Hey this is great! I only play it on XboxLive so the pop-up part didnt mean as much to me, but i understood everything in there, that was great! i havent seen too many counterstrike things, and the ones i have took place in levels that arent on Xobx. Good job.
Yay another NGN!
lol i am almost scared to say anything remotely negative after seeing the other reviews :) j/k i thought the drawing was good and the sound was great. This thing has survived long enough to see the improvement of just about everything as it progressed, and u can only get better. I do have to say, alfred did get a little annoying, but in a funny way. the humor was good and random enough for me, interactivity, buttons, yay :P, violence, not much, but a desk got sliced in have by a midget box ninja... err i meant poninja. good job is liked the little zoe hairstle thing. gimme more news, gj
Goood movie
you're ken's big brother, i went to heritage with him, this is very good and funny, its pretty short though. have a candy! (btw tell ken the cheesy knight is not... going to happenn...)
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the movie.
"Cheesy Knight"???
holy crap
that was pretty scary, that is how i dreamt the scariest movie would ever be like, the scariest and i think the coolest and freakiest part is when she walks by the window and some weird grey figure blinks for a little bit - very creepy
reminded me of signs, the ring, and the exorcist (which is a movie i hate to think about)
that was pretty spiffy
that had some good sprite fighting and the music was okay but i think even a little $10 mic (like mine)sounds pretty good with a good sound recorder like Sound Forge. anyway good work make more
originality level negative
just to be honest, i dont think this is very original because pretty much it was audio from a budlight commercial put in with some decent cartoon drawings... so i just dont think it is quite as good as people think it should, because a lot of retarded people actually thought u made the sound! it is from a real commercial. I think it needed more animation, but u did put the audio to good use. i would like to see more original works of yours later. overall spiffy
and to the guy before this - BonusStage - he did NO voice acting
funniest thing ever... eeeeevvveerr...
i truly think that this is the funniest movie i have watched on newgrounds, but the graphics weren't the greatest. That was just, put simply, funnier than anything in the top 50 in my opinion. awesome joearb. (job) <---??
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Joined on 5/7/04