Greatness! Legendary Frogness!
Ya know I have always noticed before you're little intros with your symbol and stuff there is a split second loading screen, and in this case is says "Loadinating the movie" and I love some of your others... Some have paragraphs of randomness... and one says "If you can read this you need to get broadband" lol
anyway, the movie, really good humor and the usual cartoony drawings, which i like the radial gradient filling of the faces and characters. The trailer is pointlessly great, i think the "holy crap" and the oliphaunt exploding always gets me to laugh. I did, however, notice the laziness of backrounds in it, but ya know, a rectangle and green circles somehow makes it across to express riding an oliphaunt.
The behind the scenes was really spiffy! I think some of Dustin's lines were trying too hard to be funny but I like the "money" at the end.
the original? it is necessary but blegh.
Yummy, Legndary Frog, this was a Yummy Movie.