to star in this*
This is a blurb.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 5/7/04
to star in this*
haha that's pretty badass man good luck
Wow man, that was great. A simple, classic, fun starcraft animation. The part with the hydralisk on the creep and the broodlings just exploding out of nowhere, just like in the game, were awesome. I know it may be annoying to ask, because you just finished this, and it probably took you long to make, but...when are the Protoss and Terran flashes coming out? :)
Hope to see more from you in the future.
Took me too long to make lol - but I want to make more! I think Protoss is up next, they weren't represented in this one :P
Great job, I enjoyed it.
Can we have protoss for the next one?
Thank you very much!
And... yes!
I love you.
Where's the goddamn Zergling?!
It's great to see your work again! I remember watching the first SC Reporter episode numerous times back in 2006. Awesome job on this new installment!
why u no submit your youtube videos here too?
how did you get day9 to do star in this? does he have voice acting parts or are you just animating him?
He has several voice roles. I asked nicely :3 I'm very thankful he took the time.